A Look Back at the 2014 Production Year
Our Committee documentary project is well underway, and we start the new year looking back proudly on what we accomplished in 2014. The last shoot of the year was with a subject we’ve been chasing for some time – early Committee investor, business advisor and longtime friend Maxwell Myers (pictured above). Maxwell was there for most of The Committee’s San Francisco-based shenanigans, and was closely involved in the forming of The Committee’s original corporation, and the securing and build-out of their first venue at 622 Broadway. Max, his wife Elaine and son David welcomed us to their home, and were patient and gracious as we turned their library into a film set for an afternoon. Maxwell is just the latest of many inspiring figures that we met whose vividly recalled memories and stories make this project so fun.
We had about a dozen shoots this year, in Northern and Southern California and Austin, Texas. We used the same core crew for all of them, with additional help from locals when needed. And when we weren’t shooting, we were researching The Committee’s story and updating our friends and Kickstarter backers, through our blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
We imagine that the coming year will be much like the last, though we do plan to accelerate the pace of production. We’ll interview more Committee actors, crew, and friends, while also pursuing the additional financing that we’ll need to finish up. And throughout, we’ll continue to share tidbits of what we uncover, and news about the documentary as it unfolds. Thanks for your interest in this project. We’re really excited to tell this story. If you know anyone who might be interested in this project, please help spread the word. If you want to contact us for any reason at all, we can be reached at info@sfimprovfestival.com.
Thanks and have a great 2015.
Jamie Wright and Sam Shaw